A model for measuring the efficiency of public health services
About project
Project number: IP-2014-09-8235
The contract was signed on: 21.05.2015./ May 21, 2015
Starting date: May 19, 2015
Duration in months: 48 + 12 months
Finishing date: May 18, 2020
Project leader: Neda Vitezić, PhD
Contact: neda.vitezic@efri.hr
Neda Vitezic, PhD
The subject of this research is to measure the efficiency of public health services in Croatia, which is carried out through various programs and projects of Public Health Institutes (prevention of diseases, ecology, social medicine, microbiology, etc.). The main goal of the research is to propose a model of measuring the efficiency of public health services that can also be applied to other activities in healthcare and other public services such as local government, universities etc. The model will be based on the combination of two methods (DEA and BSC) that are suitable for measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of various public services. DEA method is traditionally used for non profit organizations where similar units operate with different input/output basically without any income. BSC is a method that encourages strategic thinking and evaluates the effectiveness of set goals. The combination of DEA and BSC is relatively a new approach and is used to identify the cause and effect relationships especially within inefficient units. The model will be developed for the Teaching Institute of the Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County which has 48 organization units (DMUs). The objective of the project proposals are as follows: to determine relative efficiency of each organization unit and suggest improvements for the inefficient ones (projection on the efficient frontier-DEA method), to define an integrative model (integration of DEA and BSC) for measuring the efficiency of individual perspectives within BSC framework with the aim to assess the effectiveness of achieving goals. We expect to answer the research question: "does the proposed model for measuring efficiency of public health services on the case of Teaching institute of public health contribute to the rationalization and long-term quality improvement of services provided”. Multidisciplinarity is the characteristic of the project and is aligned with the objectives and requirements of the Foundation.
Keywords: public health services, efficiency, measurement, DEA, BSC
Members of the project team
Đulija Malatestinić, PhD, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County, Rijeka, Croatia & Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Lidija Pavica Pernar, The State Audit Office of Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Croatia (voluntary
exclusion in 2018)
Mirjana Grčić Fabić, PhD, Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia (porodiljni dopust)
Mirjana Zukić, Teaching Institute of Public Health, Rijeka, Croatia
http://www.zzjzpgz.hr/index.php?show=orgStrukturaVeronika Petkovšek, Phd student, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration, Ljubljana, Slovenia (voluntary
exclusion in 2017)
http://www.fu.uni-lj.si/nc/o-fakulteti/zaposleni/zaposleni/?tx_iffuextdboci8coll_pi1%5Bmuid%5D=877Stanka Setnikar Cankar, Phd, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alemka Šegota, Phd, Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia (inactive since 2018)
Suzana Janković, Phd, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County, Rijeka, Croatia & Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Antonija Petrlić, MEcon., Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Željko Linšak, PhD, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County, Rijeka, Croatia & Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Danijela Rabar, Phd, Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković", Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia
Ana Bobinac, Phd, Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Danijela Čosić, Institute of Public Health Koprivničko-križevačke County, Koprivnica, Croatia
• Development of questionnaires, surveys and interviews with the directors of all 21 Public Health Institutes in the Republic of Croatia in the period November-December 2015, as well as interviews with the heads of educational institutions with the purpose of obtaining information on the organization, activities, programs, and the management framework, measurement of results and reporting according to existing methods and data.
• Assessment and conclusions presented in the Information on the organization and manner of measuring the efficiency of business in public health institutes at the level of the Republic of Croatia (analysis of 19 institutes and especially analysis for the 4 largest institutes in the Republic of Croatia)
• Comparison of the public health system in Slovenia. the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The result is a benchmarking analysis and an article.
• Common inputs and outputs identified for implementation of the DEA at the level of 48OJ and specifically for the Department of Health Ecology. The projection of inefficient OJs to the effective boundary was performed
• New organizational solutions have been recommended, the information system has been upgraded, and methodologically significant changes have been made in monitoring data and reporting in accordance with organizational processes.
• A BSC model was created at the level of the Teaching Institution as well as strategic maps for each department.
• A scientific- professional congress was organized where the results were presented and printed in form of a flyer - policy paper. Interest has been expressed by other public health institutes.
• A conceptually complete DEABSC model has been put in place, which is being tested on the example of the Department of Health Ecology and other organizational units of the Public Health Institute
Published papers
Published articles in Journals
Vitezić, N, Setnikar Cankar, S, Linšak, Ž. (2019); Effectiveness Measurement Using DEA & BSC Methods in Public Health Services., The NISPAcee Journal of Public Administration and Policy. XII (1),199-216, DOI:
Vitezić, N., Šegota, A., Setnikar Cankar, S., (2016): Measuring the efficiency of public health services by DEA, International Public Administration Review (2335-3414), Volume XIV, Issue 4 /2016 (December)
Scientific papers in conference proceedings
Vitezić, N, Janković, S. (2019): BSC Implementation for Improving the Effectiveness of Performance Assessment in Public Social Medicine, 3rd world Congress on Public Health and Health Care Management, April 19-20, 2019, Dubai, UAE. (abstract)
Petrlić, A. (2019): Transformation Into Digitally Analytical Controlling: Current Status and Future Agenda, 8th International Scientific Symposium "Economy of eastern Croatia – vision and growth”, Leko Šimić, Mirna ; Crnković, Boris (ur.).,Osijek : Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia, 2019. 508-519.
Vitezić, N., Setnikar Cankar, S., Janković, N., (2017): Innovative Approach to Efficiency Measurement Using the DEABSC Method in the Public Health Service of Croatia, NISPAcee - The 25th NISPAcee Annual Conference, Kazan, Republika Tatarstan, Ruska Federacija, 18.5.- 20.05.2017.,
Setnikar Cankar, S., Vitezić, N., (2016): Analiza organizacije regulacije zdravstva in mednarodna primerjava, Dnevi slovenske uprave 2016, Fakulteta za upravo, Ljubljana, e-Zbornik referatov, p.255-273,
Presentations at scientific conferences
Vitezić, N, Janković, S. (2019): BSC Implementation for Improving the Effectiveness of Performance Assessment in Public Social Medicine, 3rd world Congress on Public Health and Health Care Management, Dubai, UAE, April 19-20, 2019.
Setnikar Cankar, S., Vitezić, N., (2017) rad: „Innovative Approach to Efficiency Measurement Using the DEABSC Method in the Public Health Service of Croatia", izložen na konferenciji „NISPAcee - The 25th NISPAcee Annual Conference", Kazan, Republika Tatarstan, Ruska Federacija, 18.5.- 20.05.2017.
Setnikar Cankar, S.(2016) rad: „Analiza organizacije regulacije zdravstva in mednarodna primerjava" na konferenciji „Dnevi slovenske uprave 2016", Fakulteta za upravo, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 22.09.-23.09.2016.
Papers in the publishing/ review process
Vitezić, N., Petrlić, A. (2019): An Analytical-Predictive Model for Measuring the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Public Health Services
Bobinac, A. (2019): Willingness to pay for treatment time: actual vs hypothetical patients' valuations
Organized congress
Rijeka, Teaching Institute of Public Health of Primorsko-Goranska County, 24.11.2018.: „Rezultati istraživanja u sklopu provođenja Projekta HRZZ Model mjerenja efikasnosti javnozdravstvenih usluga" // "The research results in the context of the implementation of the Project HRZZ Model measuring the efficiency of public health services"
Team member trainings
Petrlić, A., Ljetna škola "The Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School 2018, tečaj: „Advanced Qualitative Research with NVivo", mjesto održavanja: Ekonomski fakultet Ljubljana, 16.- 20. srpnja 2018.
Vitezić, N., Summer School - SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Economics 15. - 20. srpanj, 2018.
Vitezić, N., Zukić, M., Janković, S., Petrlić, A., radionica: „Ukupna učinkovitost opreme (OEE, Overall equipment effectivness)", konzultantska kuća Qualitas d.o.o., mjesto održavanja: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet, 25. travnja 2018.
Vitezić, N., Zukić, M., Janković, S., Petrlić, A., radionica: „Balanced Scorecard – Strateški ciljevi, mjerila i inicijative", konzultantska kuća Qualitas d.o.o., mjesto održavanja: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet, 12. srpnja 2017.
Vitezić, N., Šegota, A., Zukić, M., Janković, S., Petrlić, A., radionica: „Balanced Scorecard – Uvod", konzultantska kuća Qualitas d.o.o.,, mjesto održavanja: Sveučilište u Rijeci, Ekonomski fakultet, 29. ožujka 2017.