About program

About program

Why doctoral programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka?



The focus is on the dissertation from the very beginning without unnecessary procedures.


The candidate is able to choose his or her own mentor and the choice is not restricted to the teaching personnel of the Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business but can include mentors employed with any faculty in Croatia or abroad (or, upon prior agreement with the candidate, the mentor can be assigned by the Faculty from its own or another faculty’s academic personnel, upon enrolment in the doctoral programme).

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka is one of the two faculties in Croatia that are members of the
prestigious European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) and one of the three that are members of the Central, East and South-East European PhD Network (CESEENet).

The candidate has the opportunity (not obligation)
to spend an entire semester or attend and take individual exams at prestigious foreign universities (free of charge), as well as the opportunity to attend EDAMBA, CESEENet and other workshops and seminars.


If you cannot afford to spend time abroad, the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka brings the world to you:


By organizing numerous seminars, lectures and workshop conducted by some of the top foreign lecturers on the premises of the Faculty (or online).

  • Numerous foreign co-holders of courses pertaining to the doctoral programme of the Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Individualized step-by-step process of helping candidates register for and write the dissertation; the help is not limited to your mentor but includes foreign workshop holders, scientific colloquia with other members of the academic personnel, including foreign ones, and a unique doctoral conference

Create your own study that best suits your needs:

  • Extremely few subjects (only 6)
  • Extremely few mandatory subjects (only 3)
  • Recognition of ECTS credits from previously completed postgraduate courses (Magistar Scientiae that used to be conferred to candidates before the implementation of the Bologna Process and University Specialist)
  • As many as 3 elective subjects chosen from a number of elective subjects (including foreign faculties, Croatian faculties members of the CESEENet, and other faculties of the University of Rijeka)
  • Instead of the traditional exam procedure, candidates are steered toward individual research and projects closely linked to the dissertation topic in line with the candidate’s choice
  • Interdisciplinarity is encouraged
  • A number of activities and flexibility with obtaining extra ECTS credits

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka subsidizes attendance of international conferences in Croatia and abroad, publication of papers in journals, costs of semestral attendance of courses abroad, participation in one-time workshops/seminars abroad.

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka offers candidates to participate in all basic and additional workshops, seminars and education courses for gaining the missing skills needed for writing the dissertation, free of charge (Mathematics, Statistics, Econometrics, English Language).






The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka is a member of many reputable international associations, and a signatory of a number of bilateral agreements  with reputable foreign postsecondary institutions. The mobility is granted through  ERASMUS  and CEEPUS  programmes.


The membership particularly important for doctoral candidates is the one in Central, East and South-East European PhD Network and in European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration (EDAMBA) because those memberships allow them a greater extent of international mobility and participation in summer schools and workshops. The doctoral programme awards credits (Regulation) and financially supports (additional financing) various types of mobility, from longer stays at foreign universities and institutions (no less than 3 months) to short stays for the purpose of attending one-time courses or workshops and sitting the respective exams.







EDAMBA (European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration) offers membership to faculties providing postgraduate doctoral studies in business economics and having a high-quality teaching process, whose mentors possess scientific excellence.


It encompasses approximately 60 universities from 30 states, whether European or located in other continents. Our faculty, along with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, is the only member from Croatia. EDAMBA develops the exchange of good experience and cooperation, both in teaching and research (scientific) process, as well as the improvement of quality of postgraduate studies.


EDAMBA offers the possibility of attending professional training for doctoral candidates in prestigious summer schools, i.e. research academies abroad, where candidates, with participation of eminent foreign professors, present their ideas, research their doctoral dissertation topic, and participate in workshops, lectures and consultation regarding the topic of their dissertation. 5 ECTS are awarded for it.


You can read more about summer research academies HERE.


EDAMBA grants valuable cash rewards for the top three dissertations and acknowledgements for the top ten dissertations every year, of which it publishes the abbreviated versions. You can read more about this HERE.


Further, EDAMBA organizes continuous professional development of professors – mentors, experience exchange included. Participation in EDAMBA activities, particularly in its annual meeting/conferences, allows the Faculty to constantly improve the curriculum and organization of the doctoral programme.

You can read the text about the membership of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka HERE







The University of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka has been a member of CESEENet (Central, East and South-East European PhD Network) since it was established. The Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana was its first coordinator (and the originator), while the Faculty of Economics of the University of Vienna is the current longstanding coordinator. 30 faculties from 14 countries are part of the network, which is constantly growing. Other Croatian members are the Split Faculty of Economics and the Zagreb Faculty of Economics. The network’s mission is to promote and to facilitate cooperation among the faculties providing postgraduate education in the field of economics and business economics from the Central and South East Europe, in order to increase the quality of their doctoral programme. The network allows the faculties to organize common courses in specific fields of study, as well as research seminars, workshops, doctoral candidate exchange, and to work together on intensifying the research cooperation. The classes carried out through the network can be attended by students at partner faculties and can be mutually and internationally recognized. The network enables the Faculty to continually compare its doctoral programme with similar studies available at foreign postsecondary institutions and accordingly improve the procedures of meeting the standards of postgraduate study on an international level. The most significant possibilities that the network currently offers to students is to sit single exams of the doctoral programme in another member state, workshops for article writing and for dissertation topic research. Credits are awarded for all of the above activities and they are also financially supported. We are working on including the network into CEEPUS in order to facilitate the academic mobility from the financial point of view.




Erasmus is an academic mobility programme through which students can spend a part of their studies at a foreign postsecondary institution (writing of their dissertation included) or perform practice placement. The mobility is based on the Erasmus agreements signed with our University. During his or her study abroad, the student shall be exempt from paying fees at the foreign institution, while they shall cover the travel and subsistence expenses with the help of the Erasmus grant. You can find out more about the Erasmus programme HERE





CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is a regional academic mobility programme within some faculty networks. Our Faculty is a member of two networks, and a third network that will encompass the members of the CESEENet is being formed. The students are exempt from paying fees at international institutions, and the amount of the CEEPUS grant varies from one state to another. You can find more about the CEEPUS programme HERE.


Courses (ECTS forms)

Legal framework, regulations and forms link.

Student request letter templates link.
International promotions link.
Evaluation of the Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Economics and Business Economics at the Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka link.
Evaluation of Teachers at the Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Economics and Business Economics at Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka link.
Program Coordinator:
Vinko Zaninović, PhD
e-mail: vinko.zaninovic@efri.uniri.hr

Ivana Božić, MEcon
Head of the Student  Registry for Postgraduate Studies
e-mail: ivana.bozic@efri.uniri.hr

Undergraduate studies Graduate studies Postgraduate studies Study Programs in English


February 2025

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