Blood donation action

Blood donation action

The Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Rijeka in cooperation with the City association of the Red Cross Rijeka is organizing a blood donation action to be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, on the ground floor of the Main building from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Blood is an irreplaceable medicine, it cannot be obtained artificially. The only source of blood and blood preparations are people. Without blood and blood preparations, many patients would not have survived and recovered.

A voluntary, unpaid blood donor is a person who gives blood, plasma or other blood ingredients voluntarily and for that it is not paid either in monetary or in any other form that could be a substitute for money.


The basic principles of blood donation are: voluntariness, anonymity, solidarity and freeness.


You can view the current state of blood supplies on the Red Cross Rijeka website 

Due to the current situation with the coronavirus pandemic, it is necessary to adhere to the prescribed epidemiological measures and recommendations and obligatorily announce your arrival at action via the form.


All charitable blood donors have a secured meal after donation.


Thank you for your humanity!


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