CEEPUS program

CEEPUS program

CEEPUS program (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) aims to promote teacher and student mobility between Ceepus-countries.
Students can spend a study period abroad or teachers can undertake a teaching period at a Ceepus university. These opportunities are designed to strengthen professional and personal relationships among Central European scholars.

About Ceepus networks

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, participates in three different CEEPUS networks:
International CEEPUS Network of Administration, Economics and Organizational Sciences (CIII-SI-0215-09) with following partner institutions:
Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Administration 
Croatia: University of Split, Faculty of Economics; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business 
Serbia: Belgrade University, Faculty of Organizational Sciences 
Macedonia: St. Kliment Ohridski University, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, Bitola 
Poland: University of Wroclaw, Institute of Political Science 
Czech Republic: Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Business Economics 
Slovakia: Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics

International Experience for International Business Education (CIII-PL-0817-03) with following partner institutions:
Poland: University of Economics in Katowice, Faculty of Management 
Bulgaria: Varna University of Economics, Faculty of Management 
Czech Republic: Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Economics and Administration 
Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics 
Only for doctoral students - CESEENet - Central, East and South-East European PhD Network in Management and Economics (CIII-AT-1301-02) with following partner institutions:

University of Vienna 
Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics 

University of Graz 
School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences 

University of Klagenfurt 
Faculty of Management and Economics 


University of Sarajevo 
School for Economics and Business 

University of Banja Luka 
Faculty of Economics 


St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University 
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 

Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv Unviersity 
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences 

Varna University of Economics 
Faculty of Management 

 Czech Republic 

Masaryk University in Brno 
Faculty of Economics and Administration 

University of Economics, Prague 
Faculty of Business Administration 

University of Economics, Prague 
Faculty of Management 


University of Pécs 
Faculty of Business and Economics 


University Sts.Cyril and Methodius - Skopje 
Faculty of Economics - Skopje 


Cracow University of Economics 
Market Analysis 

Warsaw School of Economics 
Collegium of World Economy, Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration 

'Nicolaus Copernicus' University in Torun 
Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management 

University of Warsaw 
Faculty of Management 


International Relations Department 

Faculty of Economics 


Faculty of Economics and Business Administration 


University of Belgrade 
Faculty of Economics 


University of Economics in Bratislava 
All Faculties 

Mobility requirements for students
  • Full-time student status at a higher education institution in the home country; 
  • At least two completed semesters; 
  • Age limit: 35 years; 
  • Citizenship of a CEEPUS country; 
  • Support of the Ceepus coordinator at the home institution. 

CEEPUS INCOMING STUDENTS have to visit the official web site of the CEEPUS programe (www.ceepus.info), find out the information about available CEEPUS networks and see if their home institution shares a partnership within some of the shown networks. Otherwise, they have to apply as freemovers for the summer semester only. Prior to application they should contact the Ceepus coordinator at their home institution.

In order to get the Acceptance Letter, freemover students have to send to our International Office (mdonadic@efri.hr) the Recommendation Letter of their home institution, the CV and have to specify the purpose of their coming (writing thesis or studying).

Duration of the study period is between 3 and 10 months (depending on the number of assigned quotas) or students may apply for working on their thesis as a "Short-term Student" for a time-period of 1 to 2 month (depending on the number of assigned quotas). 

List of subjects taught in English 

Bachelor level
Master level

Mobility requirements for teaching staff
  • Obligation to teach or supervise for 6 hours per working week (up to max. 1 month);
  • Holding a Ph.D.;
  • Citizenship of a CEEPUS country.
CEEPUS INCOMING TEACHERS should contact the Ceepus coordinator at their home institution, prior to application, in order to see weather their home institution is a member of the same Ceepus Network or they have to apply as freemovers for the summer semester only. 

In order to get the Acceptance Letter, freemover teachers have to send to our International Office (mdonadic@efri.hr) the Recommendation Letter of their home institution, the CV and have to specify their teaching assignment.

Application deadlines
For winter semester: 15th June 
For summer semester - intra network mobility: 31st October 
For summer semester - freemover mobility: 30th November
Coordinator at EFRI
Petra Adelajda Zaninović PhD, ERASMUS and CEEPUS coordinator


March 2025

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