Faculty Council Session

Faculty Council Session

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University in Rijeka, awarded the Dean's Awards to the top three students per generation in the academic year 2017/ 18.
The recipients were chosen based on their GPAs. Moreover, the Faculty Council also rewarded students successful in the field of sports, activism and volunteerism. 
Undergraduate studies

1st Year
1.Ivan Mužić 
2.Petra Rusev 
3.Fani Hodalj  
2nd Year
1.Valentina Nuli 
2.Anđela Berčić 
3.Monika Kulaš  
3th Year
1.Kristiana Lesničar 
2.Dea Aksentijević 
3.Magdalena Mužina 
Graduate studies
1st Year
1.Ena Herceg 
2.Maja Posavec 
3.Ena Baćan 
2nd Year
1.Viktorija Knapić 
2.Maria Mihalić 
3.Martina Begić 

Dean's Awards for volunteerism  Gabrijela Begić
Dean's Awards for activism
  Mateja Križnjak
Dean's Awards for sports  Mateo Crnković
Students with disabilities were awarded with 500 HRK.

In 2018, nineteen Faculty jubilees were awarded as well.


March 2025

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