Frequently asked questions

I have lost my e- matriculation book (X-card), how can I make a new one?
You need to fill in the form for reissuing of a new student identification card (X-card) available at the Student Registry Office; pay 6.64 euro via a general payment slip (opća uplatnica) made out to the Faculty. The Faculty's IBAN number is HR 8623600001101586015 (to be entered under IBAN primatelja ) and enter your OIB -personal identification number as the reference number (to be entered under poziv na broj). The new card will be available within 10 days upon your request, when you will be given a temporary X-card for you to use in the meantime.
You need to fill in the form available at, and submit it, together with you matriculation book (indeks) to the Student Registry; pay 33.18 euro via a general payment slip (opća uplatnica) made out to the Faculty. The Faculty's IBAN number is HR 8623600001101586015 (to be entered under IBAN primatelja ) and enter your OIB -personal identification number as the reference number (to be entered under poziv na broj).
Student rights run from October 1st i.e. with the beginning of a new academic year.
You should file a request via the Studomat located on the ground floor of the Faculty using your AAI identity and pick it up at the Information Desk.
It is necessary to fill out the respective form available at and submit it together with a copy of your Diploma
Are there deadlines for the submission of Mentor Application Forms at undergraduate and graduate studies? What are they?
The deadlines regarding the submission of Mentor Application Forms are defined by the Faculty Council for each academic year.
The deadlines for the submission of bachelor/master theses are defined by the Faculty Council for each academic year.
1. After the mentor approves the final version of the thesis and completes the Report on the thesis (Turnitin), the MENTOR submits by email to the Study Records and the Library:
a. The approved version of the paper in PDF/A format (the entire paper in one file for the purposes of checking the library and submitting it to the members of the Committee, and the existing Rulebook on the thesis already states the instruction that students submit the paper in that format)
b. A statement in the email that "Agreed - approved for defense"
c. Application of the topic of the thesis (if the mentor has not previously signed the Application of the topic, with the fact that the Application of the topic does not have to be signed and scanned if it is sent by official email
d. Report on the thesis Submit all these documents and information in one e-mail to the specified e-mail addresses.
2. Records of checks to see if the student has passed all prescribed conditions and achieved a minimum of 90 or 105 ECTS. If not, inform the mentor and the student that the defense cannot be held until the student fulfills all the requirements.
3. The library informs the mentor and the Record of Studies about the verification process and whether the work has been adequately prepared for entry into the digital repository (if the work is not well prepared, it also informs the student about the necessary changes, e.g. missing Statement at the end of the work, summary, key words ...).At the same time, it checks and informs the Registry whether all books have been returned (instead of the previous Certificate of the Faculty Library that all books have been returned).
4. Based on the feedback from the Library regarding the work check, the Record of Studies informs the mentor to fill out the form for scheduling the defense. The defense takes place, as a rule, within 7 days of the appointment. Upon receipt of the record of the defense, the study record sends the forms to be filled out to the student's email, as well as other information important to the student for the completion of the graduate studies (payment information, surveys ....).
When the student submits all of the above, the Record of Studies sends the student a Certificate of Completion of Studies.
What is needed to complete my undergraduate studies? What do I need to submit?
After the mentor/mentor approves the final version of the work and prepares the Final Work Report (Turnitin), the MENTOR submits by email to the Study Records and the Library:
a. The approved version of the paper in PDF/A format (the entire paper in one file for library purposes, and in the existing Regulations on the final paper there is already an instruction for students to submit the paper in that format)
b. Application of the topic of the final paper (if the mentor has not previously signed the Application of the topic, with the fact that the Application of the topic does not have to be signed and scanned if it is sent by official email
c. Final thesis report
Submit all these documents and information in one email to the study records and the library.
Records check whether the student has passed all prescribed conditions and achieved a minimum of 176 ECTS. If not, inform the mentor and the student that the procedure cannot be completed until the student fulfills all the requirements.
The study record sends forms to the student's e-mail, which need to be filled out, as well as other information important for students to complete their undergraduate studies (payment information, surveys...).
The library informs the Registry whether all books have been returned (instead of the previous Certificate from the Faculty library that all books have been returned) and checks whether the work has been adequately prepared for entry into the digital repository (if the work is not well prepared, it informs the student of the necessary changes, e.g. missing Statement at the end of the paper, summary, key words...).
When the student submits all of the above, the Record of Studies sends the student a Certificate of Completion of Studies.
When will Graduation Ceremonies be held?
The Graduation Ceremony for those who have completed undergraduate and graduate studies within an academic year will be held the subsequent academic year.
Enrolment starts in September. The exact schedule will be announced publicly on the Faculty’s web site.
In order to enroll a higher year of studies you need to register via Studomat and confirm your enrolment at the Student Registry. You also need to submit confirmation of payment of enrolment fees and tuition.
In order to withdraw you need to fill in the Withdrawal Form , submit your matriculation book (indeks) and pay 19.91 euro via a general payment slip (opća uplatnica) made out to the Faculty. The Faculty's IBAN number is HR 8623600001101586015 (to be entered under IBAN primatelja ) and enter your OIB -personal identification number as the reference number (to be entered under poziv na broj). All this can also be send by postal mail addressed to
Evidencija studija
Ekonomski fakultet Rijeka
Ivana Filipovića 4
51000 Rijeka
You will be given your transcript of records alongside the Certificate of Withdrawal.