International Video Pitch Competition 2018.

International Video Pitch Competition 2018.

The Faculty of Economics and business, University of Rijeka became a partner in the International Video Pitch Competition project.

The aim of this international competition is to enable students to present business ideas and receive feedback from selected experts from practice, as well as networking of all participants in the competition.

Applications are open until March 19, 2018, and until then, students must record a 2-minute video in which they will present their idea and prepare a short description of the same.


It is important to point out that the competition takes place on several levels and that the first and second place at the local level, in addition to passing to the next round of the competition, also receive valuable cash prizes.

First place $ 750 and second $ 250.


Do you have a good idea? You want to improve your presentation skills in English and gain international experience? Apply and take part in this international competition!


More information can be found on the website:


The presentation of the competition at the Faculty will be held in January 2018, and for more information follow the official website of EFRI and the social network or send your inquiry to


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