Job vacancy 1/2022

Job vacancy 1/2022

In Rijeka, 18/01/2022


The Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka announces a vacancy for:

1.       one post-doctoral researcher(m/f) in the scientific area of Social Sciences, in scientific field of Economics in full time and is intended to last until the return of the temporarily absent employee;

2.       one employee to the position of type IV – maid, in the Department of Human Resources and General Affairs in full time for a fixed period of two years due to the increased volume of jobs.


Applicants (m/f) under point 1. are expected to meet the requirements stipulated by the Act on Scientific Activity and Higher education (Official Gazette No. 123/03, 198/03, 105/04, 174/04, 02/07 - Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, 46/07, 45/09, 63/11, 94/13 and 139/13, 101/14, 60/15 and 131/17).


Employment requirements for point 1:

-     Academic title of doktor znanosti ( or PhD) in the scientific area of Social Sciences, in scientific field of Economics,

-     Ranking among the most successful students,

-     Active knowledge of English.


Documents to be enclosed alongside the signed application for point 1:

-          Curriculum Vitae,

-          Proof of qualification and academic title of doktor znanosti ( or PhD) in the required scientific area and scientific field (applicants that have obtained their academic title outside Croatia need to enclose a certificate of recognition of a foreign higher education qualification),

-          Proof of Croatian citizenship (copy of the applicant's identity card, passport or Domovnica) or proof of their respective citizenship, foreign nationals are obliged to provide proof of knowledge Croatian language (advanced level),

-          List of published scientific and professional papers,

-          Proof of ranking among the most successful students,

-          Proof of English language skills.



Employment requirements for point 2:

-          completed elementary school.


Trial work for point 2:

-        one month.


Documents to be enclosed alongside the signed application for point 2:

-          Curriculum Vitae,

-          Proof of qualification in the required area (applicants that have obtained their academic title outside Croatia need to enclose a certificate of recognition of a foreign education qualification),

-          Proof of Croatian citizenship (copy of the applicant's identity card, passport or Domovnica) or proof of their respective citizenship, foreign nationals are obliged to provide proof of knowledge Croatian language (advanced level).



The documentation shall be submitted in copy (not originals). Persons of both sexes have the right to apply for the opened position under equal conditions.


Applicants who have the right of priority in employment pursuant to Article 102 of the of the Act on the Rights of Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Members of Their Families and/or pursuant to provisions stipulated by other specific regulations, the Act on Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities and the  Act on the Protection of Military and Civilian Invalids of War, need to refer to that right in their application and submit the prescribed evidence of the respective status and will have the priority in employment only once they meet identical requirements.

Evidence for exercising the right to employment benefits in accordance with the Act on the Rights of Croatian Homeland War Veterans and Members of Their Families can be found at the following website:


The Faculty reserves the right to subject applicants, who have submitted timely and orderly applications and who have met the formal requirements, to testing and / or interviewing on their competences and skills before making the final employment decision. In such case, the applicants will be notified about the testing and / or interview in due time. If an applicant does not attend the respective test/interview, it will be considered that the candidate has withdrawn his/her application. The Faculty also reserves the right not to select any candidate for the position offered.


By submitting the application, the applicant gives his/her consent to the  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka, as the entity in charge of personal data collection, to collect, use and further process the data for the purpose of carrying out the application procedure in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The Faculty shall handle the above-mentioned data in line with the European and national regulations as well as the internal regulations on personal data protection. The Faculty shall ensure proper handling of data by all persons legally having access to the respective data. The obtained data shall be handled solely for legal purposes and shall not be used in any matters considered to be contrary to the interests of the respective applicant.


The deadline for submitting the application for point 1. is 30 (thirty) days starting from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (Narodne novine)  

The deadline for submitting the application for point 2. is 8 (eight) days starting from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia (Narodne novine) 


The application (in writing) shall be signed in manu propria by the respective applicant and shall include the contact address and telephone number, proof of meeting the set requirements, and shall be addressed to:

Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci

 I. Filipovića 4

51 000 Rijeka

Republic of Croatia

(With an indication)

"Prijava na natječaj br. 1/2022, za točku ______”


Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.



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