Lecture “Agile transformation and innovation leadership in the digital economy era”

Lecture “Agile transformation and innovation leadership in the digital economy era”

The Faculty of Economics and Business, University in Rijeka, invites all interested parties at a lecture which will be held by Ernest Vlačić, Ph. D., on Thursday, 17 November.
During his visit, he will hold an interesting lecture on the topic: "Agile transformation and innovation leadership in the digital economy era”.Ernest Vlačić, Ph. D., graduated with an MBA degree at Henley Management College (UK), and he completed his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb. Apart from the work in the higher education system, he is the founder and the director of NOVAMINA, the Centre of Innovative Technologies Ltd.

His work and research are focused on strategic management, innovation policies and organization processes, and in his lecture, he will combine two segments: the innovation management and the e-management of the digital transformation process.
The lecture will be held at 12 o'clock, Lecture Hall 5/ 3rd floor.
See you!


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