MDM'2020 Workshop

 MDM'2020 Workshop

6th - 9th April, Warsaw, Poland

MDM'20 is the 1st International Workshop that provides an international forum on the latest technologies and research in the field of master data management, usage of data for segmentation and processing personal data;

International Workshop for Master Data Management (MDM) has the following aim and scope:

Contribution of presented works toll of data preparation, data standardization and data equotation that was settled for data campaign management and after enforcing GDPR and privacy tools into a practice - the mechanics and tools needed to adapt for working with client's data (as a subject in terms of GDPR) with new mandatory requirements for data processing in Big Data Management (BDM). 

Usage and role of  BDM as Linked Data in Master Data Management (e.g. CRM systems with transactions, segmentation models, various interconnections with consent/permissions on applications, social networks etc.). BDM and MDM are still forcing changing environments and challenges (e.g. ePrivacy, security measures against cybernetic attacks and data misusage).

Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following (quoting from the call for contributions):

  • Privacy and Transparency in Linked Data in BDM / MDM 
  • Identity management vocabularies 
  • Categories of sensitive and personal data 
  • Modeling personal data usage, processing, sharing, and tracking (in terms of GDPR and ePrivacy) 
  • Modeling/Interlinking aspects of privacy and provenance (in terms of GDPR) 
  • Modeling consent and making it transportable 
  • Vocabularies to model privacy policies, regulations, and involved (business) processes 
  • New ways to put the user in control benefiting from semantic interoperability of policy information 
  • Modeling permissions, obligations, and their scope in dealing with personal data 
  • Reasoning about formally declared privacy policies, in order to detect policy violations, breach 
  • Exploring links and synergies using Linked Data vocabularies in the context of related efforts 
  • Visualizations of data and policy information to help data self-determination, especially taking up the challenge of useful simplifications and layered approaches. The papers will be judged from two perspectives, technical and application:
* Papers reporting on application experience will be expected to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed solutions.

Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline:           December 4, 2019 (extended) 
Notification of Decision:                  January 13, 2020 
Final Manuscript Due:                      February 10, 2020 
Workshops Date:                               April 6 - 9, 2020 

Papers should be submitted via Easychair:

For page limits and formatting instructions, please visit 


March 2025

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