Päivi Korhonen MA Senior Lecturer

Chair: 84/IV
Phone: (051) 355 189


Study Programs in English

Basic Business Italian Language 1 (UNDERGRADUATE study program)
Acquisition of elementary language structures, vocabulary and skills needed for communication in frequent everyday and typical business- related situations.

Course content

Introducing persons – orientation in space – living space and housing conditions - situational dialogues in a hotel and a restaurant – business trips – inviting guests – people description – free time. Articles, nouns, pronouns and pronominal adjectives, verbs (verb moods: indicative and conditionals; tenses: present, perfect, future) adverbs and prepositions. Basic general vocabulary and introducing business language.
Basic Business Italian Language 2 (UNDERGRADUATE study program)
Acquisition of language structures needed for communication in frequent everyday and elementary business-related situations

Course content

Company presentation: business trips – business meetings – building up cooperation- situational dialogues in a bank. Verbs (verbal mood: indicative, imperative, infinitive, gerund, participle). Introducing business terminology.
Basic Business Italian Language 3 (UNDERGRADUATE study program)
Developing language competence in diverse business-related genres. Acquiring language structures and business terminology necessary for communicating in different business-related contexts. Techniques for decoding authentic business materials. Using business and encyclopedic dictionaries.
Italia - storia, geografia, cultura. Annunci di lavoro. Colloquio di lavoro. CV. Telefonata. Prenotazioni. Società. Contratto. Trasporto di merci. Fiera. Pubblicità. La cultura degli affari. Lettera di presentazione. Regole d’oro nella comunicazione. La circolare informativa. Incoterms. La presentazione. Lettera d’ordine e risposta all’ordine.


March 2025

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