Social & Creative

Social & Creative




Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka, as the only partner from Croatia, is participating in the implementation of a project "Social & Creative”, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The projects last from 2019 to 2022 and 8 partners from 7 Mediterranean countries are involved in its implementation. The leading partner is the Regional Government of Apulia – Department of Economic Development, Innovation, Education, Training and Employment.  


The project is a continuation of the horizontal TALIA project, which lasted from 2016 to 2019. Starting from the results of the TALIA project and modular projects, „Social & Creative" project has three main goals:

1)      Promoting the connection and interaction between modular projects and their local and transnational networks;

2)      Identifying opportunities for expanding the most important results of modular projects in the Mediterranean area and directing them towards the strategic policies of the European Union;

3)      Capitalization of results through Memorandum of understanding with policy makers in order to adopt appropriate policy models.



1)      Regional Government of Apulia – Department of Economic Development, Innovation, Education, Training and Employment (Lead partner)

2)      „Aldo Moro" University of Bari, Department of Computer Science (Italy)

3)      European Network of Living Labs aisbl – EnoLL (Belgium)

4)      Agency for Economic Development PPREDA - PD (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

5)      Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – IED (Greece)

6)      University of Rijeka – Faculty of Economics and Business – EFRI (Croatia)

7)      Ministry of Energy, Commerce and Industry (Cyprus)

8)      Promalaga (Spain)


Associated partners:

1)      Arcola Research (UK)

2)      CIHEAM Bari (Italy)

3)      Impact Hub (Austria)

4)      University of Evora (Portugal)



Project value: 1.399.600,00 €


Project duration: 01.11.2019. – 30.06.2022.

WEB page:

The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund




The 24 and 25 November do not miss the new Social&Creative Innovation Camp #2!

This second camp is focused on Industrial Transformation and is part of a series of 3 virtual events addressing specific themes on which the Community of creatives and social innovators of the Mediterranean is working: open innovation for society (27 May, 2021), industrial transformation (24 November, 2021) and sustainable development (March 2022).

The Camp is open to practitioners, policymakers, field experts, stakeholders, civil servants, SMEs and start-ups, PanoraMED representatives, Social&Creative partners and associates, and S&C modular projects. It is composed of two different moments.

morning conference is scheduled on 24 November, 10 am-1 pm CET with no limits for participants. It will be in English, with simultaneous translation into Italian. Thanks to the involvement of leading experts and the sharing of the experiences of successful cases of industrial transformation and CCIs we will try to identify the most significant challenges that cultural and creative industries must face and to understand how to connect their potential to old and new markets.

Focus and Working groups online session is split into two half-day workshops that are linked (24 November, 2.30 – 5.30 pm CET; 25 November, 10 am – 1 pm CET). They are conceived as dynamic and participatory workshops where we want to understand the transferability potential for methodologies, tools and services designed and developed in past modular projects for a greater impact and the feasibility to be adapted and implemented in other places. You can choose one of the 4 topics: Internationalisation strategies for accessing new SI & CCIs markets (Chebec project); Upskilling and reskilling for new job opportunities in social and creative sectors in a changing labour market (+Resilient project); Innovative clustering for inter-sectoral dynamisation of the SI & CCIs sectors (Smath project) and Creativity-based Innovation driving Industrial Transformation  (CreativeWear project).

Both the conference and Focus and Working group session share the focus Industrial Transformation but you can attend them independently.

More info are also available on the Community website.

The Innovation Camp #2 is organized within the 
Interreg MED Social&Creative Community, led by Puglia Region.







S&C webinars - NLP for the analysis of policy texts: the semantic framework tool

S&C webinars - NLP (Natural Language Processing ) for policy texts analysis

S&C webinars - Oriented Bayesian Nets as policy visualization tools

S&C webinars - Artificial Intelligence for social goods

S&C webinars - Ontology based approach for policy making

S&C webinars - State of play of AI in government


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