Volume 33, No. 2, 2015 / Volumen 33, svezak 2, 2015


Hongjian Cao, Jianying Zhang, Nengsheng Luo, Zheng Zhang
Industrial sustainable development level in China and its influencing factors 
(Original scientific paper) 
Engleski pdf 1,32 MB
Josefina Fernández-Guadaño
Measuring the economic performance of socially responsible companies 
(Original scientific paper)

Engleski pdf 624 KB
Josip Arnerić, Zdravka Aljinović, Tea Poklepović
Extraction of market expectations from risk-neutral density 
(Original scientific paper)
Engleski pdf 2,68 MB
Jiancai Pi
An investigation of the choice of governance modes in Chinese family firms
(Preliminary communication)

Engleski pdf 5,32 MB
Nela Vlahinić Lenz, Vedran Prša
Growth potential of energy sector reforms: new evidence on EU and Southeast European countries by exploring impact on electricity generation 
(Review article)
Engleski pdf 445 KB
Jianbai Huang, Chuan Liu, Daguo Lü, Xiaoping Li
Industry regulation, competition, and the dynamics of productivity growth: evidence from China’s iron and steel industry 
(Review article)

 Engleski pdf 1,66 MB
Rui Lin, Xin Zhang, Xiuting Li, Jichang Dong
Heterogeneous convergence of regional house prices and the complexity in China
(Review article)
Engleski pdf 2,91 MB
Zdenko Prohaska
Book review: Finance and the Good Society 
Engleski pdf 323 KB


 Hrvatski pdf 245 KB


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