11th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business

FEB Zagreb 2020
11th International Odyssey Conference on Economics and Business
Šibenik, Croatia - June 16-20, 2020
Call for papers
Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia is pleased to invite you to 11th International Odyssey Conference. The Conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to present their research and discuss recent challenges in business and economics.
In order to present their research at the conference authors can send an abstract or full paper.
Please find more information at the Conference web: https://odyssey.net.efzg.hr/
Conference venue: Amadria Park Hotel Ivan, Šibenik, Croatia
Conference Proceedings
Abstracts (300-700 words) will be published in the Book of abstracts with ISBN
Full papers Conference Proceedings (up to 5000 words) will be published in electronic format with an ISSN reference and indexed / referenced in EBSCO, EconLit and ProQuest
Publishing Opportunity
Selected papers will be considered for publication in a separate volume of journals Zagreb International Review of Economics and Business – ZIREB (WoS ESCI), Acta Turistica (WoS ESCI, Scopus) and Market-Tržište (WoS ESCI, Scopus) and Croatian International Relations Review (ESCI, Scopus, Erih Plus, EconLit i Proquest Social Science Premium Collection)