Iskustva polaznika

„I absolutely recommend the EFRI
Summer School to everyone looking for an adventure abroad. It is a nice
opportunity to enlarge your personal world-view by getting in touch with
different nationalities and cultures."
Christophe from Belgium

„Our summer school program was really filled with lectures,
workshop preparations, excursions. Nevertheless, we had time for communication,
information exchange and some parties with our new friends from different
countries. I suppose that it was a great experience in my life. Thank you the
Faculty of Economics in Rijeka (EFRI) for organizing this summer school!"
from Russia

„Following the EFRI Summer School program was a great
international experience. We discussed interesting topics, visited attractive
companies and saw some beautiful places. During the process, I met new people
and I got to discover different points of view of people from all over the
world. I would recommend the EFRI summer school to every student."
Siebe from