Mobility programs

Mobility programs

 In an increasingly challenging, competitive and globalised employment market, undertaking an international internship or placement greatly enhances students' global awareness and refines their communication and problem solving capabilities. Studying abroad has a positive effect on early career development. It gives one an opportunity to experience a different culture, improve social skills and boost one's self-confidence and independence.


ERASMUS is one of the best known international exchange programs. EFRI joined this program in 2009 and since then, numerous Erasmus agreements have been signed with higher education institutions from many EU countries - from Finland to Cyprus; from Portugal to Russia. EFRI is one of the leading faculties at the University of Rijeka in hosting foreign exchange students, mostly coming through the Erasmus exchange program. Moreover, students outside the EU are also coming for exchange through the so called Erasmus KA107 program, mostly from Russia and Ukraine. Our students can spend 3 to 12 months on Erasmus studies abroad, or 2 to 12 months on Erasmus internships.

Mobility requirements for incoming students
Erasmus incoming students should be officially nominated for Erasmus exchange by their home Erasmus coordinator. After being nominated, Erasmus students must send the Application Form and all relevant documents to the Erasmus Mobility Office of the University of Rijeka within the application deadlines (CLICK HERE).
University's Erasmus Mobility Office will be sending an Acceptance Letter to all Erasms nominated students hwo submitted completed application documents and whose learning agreement was signed by the host institution.
List of subjects taught in English
Bachelor level
Master level

Application deadlines for incoming Erasmus students
10th June for winter semester or whole academic year
10th November for summer semester. 

The Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS) aims to promote student mobility among countries which include Central, Eastern and South-Eastern EU countries and several non-EU countries in the Western Balkans. Students can spend 1 to 3 months abroad writing their thesis or 3 to 10 months studying and taking exams there.


More about CEEPUS for students please find here. 


EFRI is also a member of the International Business and Management Program (IB&M), which enables the students to spend one year at any of the IB&M partner universities in Germany, France, Netherlands, Finland, Norway and Spain. Furthermore, EFRI signed over 40 bilateral cooperation agreements with faculties and universities from all over the world. Some of them established a student-exchange cooperation with us, mostly from South Korea, Japan, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. 

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Ožujak 2025

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