The European Ethics Bowl 2023 - applications

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Rijeka in cooperation with Department of marketing joins the international case study competition organised by The European Ethics Bowl (EEB - The European Ethics Bowls (EEB) connects students and post-graduates beyond geographical and academic borders. It aims to raise awareness of the relevance and complexity of ethical business issues in a European context and to create an opportunity for participants to expand their perspectives beyond their horizon.
We encourage our EFRI students, specifically those enrolled in the study program International Business, to apply.
You can apply via the following link:
After applying for the competition, your first task will be to record a 3-5 minute video in which your team will offer a solution for the first ethical dilemma: "MORAL COST OF ENJOYING THE SPORT - Where do we draw the line and with whom does moral responsibility lie? Do individuals have a moral responsibility towards such controversial sporting events? Should we watch, cheer, and ignore the obvious violations or abstain and protest the organisation of the event?"
Whole case study for national competition is available on the following link:
Applications for the competition are open by 3rd of April, 2023 and the deadline for sending a video is 12th of May, 2023.
Upon applying you will be sent detailed instruction on how the video should look like, and the details about your task. Good luck!
For additional information please send e-mail to: