Doc. dr. sc. Tomislav Plavšić
Poslijediplomski specijalistički studij
Sudjeluje u izvođenju sljedećih kolegija
Poslijediplomski studij - Sveučilišni specijalistički studij (MBA)
Ekonomika naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža / Smart Grids Economics
Definicija naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža. Povezanost integracije obnovljivih izvora energije i razvoja naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža. Tehnologije naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža: spremnici energije, električna vozila, više-energetski sustavi, mikromreže, virtualne elektrane, sustavi za inteligentan nadzor i upravljanje elektroenergetskim sustavom, napredni sustavi sistemske zaštite, napredni sustavi mjerenja (Smart Metering). Upravljanje potražnjom (Demand Side Management). Napredne mreže (Smart Grid). Koncepcijski modeli naprednih mreža. IT tehnologije u naprednim mrežama. Ekonomika naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža. Cost benefit analiza projekata naprednih mreža. Pregled izvedenih projekata naprednih mreža u EU i Hrvatskoj. Učinci razvoja naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža na ekonomije zemalja. Pozicija naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža u okviru Europskih energetskih paketa. Uloga energetskih politika u poticanju razvoja naprednih energetskih sustava i mreža.
Definition of advanced energy systems and smart grids. The connection between the integration of renewable energy sources and the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids. Technologies of advanced energy systems: energy storage, electric vehicles, multi-energy systems, micro grids, virtual power plants, systems for intelligent power system control, advanced protection systems, smart metering systems, demand side management, smart grids. Conceptual models of advanced networks. IT technologies in smart grids. Economics of advanced energy systems and smart grids. Cost benefit analysis of smart grids projects. Overview of implemented projects of smart grids in the EU and Croatia. The effects of the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids on the economies of countries. Position of advanced energy systems and smart grids within the European energy packages. The role of energy policies in encouraging the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids.
Definition of advanced energy systems and smart grids. The connection between the integration of renewable energy sources and the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids. Technologies of advanced energy systems: energy storage, electric vehicles, multi-energy systems, micro grids, virtual power plants, systems for intelligent power system control, advanced protection systems, smart metering systems, demand side management, smart grids. Conceptual models of advanced networks. IT technologies in smart grids. Economics of advanced energy systems and smart grids. Cost benefit analysis of smart grids projects. Overview of implemented projects of smart grids in the EU and Croatia. The effects of the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids on the economies of countries. Position of advanced energy systems and smart grids within the European energy packages. The role of energy policies in encouraging the development of advanced energy systems and smart grids.